Source code for qmflows.packages._package_wrapper

"""A module which adds the :class:`PackageWrapper` class.

The herein implemented class serves as a wrapper around the qmflows
:class:`~qmflows.packages.Package` class,
taking a single :class:`plams.Job<scm.plams.core.basejob.Job>` type as argument
and, upon calling :class:`pkg = PackageWrapper(...); pkg()<PackageWrapper.__call__>` an
appropiate instance of Package subclas instance is called.

For example, passing :class:`plams.ADFJob<scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.adf.ADFJob>` will
automatically call :data:`~qmflows.adf`,
:class:`plams.Cp2kJob<scm.plams.interfaces.thirdparty.cp2k.Cp2kJob>` will
call :data:`~qmflows.cp2k`, *etc*.

When no appropiate Package is found, let's say after passing the :class:`MyFancyJob` type,
the PackageWrapper class will still run the job as usual and return the matching
:class:`ResultWrapper` object.

There are however three caveats:

1. No generic keywords are implemented for such jobs.
2. Specialized warning message will not be available.
3. The availability of property-extraction methods is limited.

The therein embedded results can be still extracted by calling the
:class:`plams.Results<scm.plams.core.results.Results>` methods appropiate to the passed job type,
*e.g.* :class:`plams.AMSResults<scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams.AMSResults>`.

For example:

.. testsetup:: python

    >>> from scm.plams import from_smiles

    >>> mol = from_smiles('C')
    >>> settings = Settings()

.. code:: python

    >>> from scm.plams import AMSJob, Molecule, Settings

    >>> from qmflows import run, PackageWrapper
    >>> from qmflows.packages import ResultWrapper

    >>> mol = Molecule(...)  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> settings = Settings(...)  # doctest: +SKIP

    >>> pkg = PackageWrapper(AMSJob)
    >>> job = pkg(settings, mol, name='amsjob')
    >>> result: ResultWrapper = run(job)

    >>> energy = result.get_energy()  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> mol = result.get_molecule()  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> freq = result.get_frequencies()  # doctest: +SKIP

.. currentmodule:: qmflows.packages
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: PackageWrapper
.. automethod:: PackageWrapper.__init__
.. automethod:: PackageWrapper.__call__
.. automethod:: PackageWrapper.run_job
.. automethod:: PackageWrapper.handle_special_keywords
.. autoclass:: ResultWrapper
.. data:: JOB_MAP
    :annotation: : dict[type[plams.Job], Package]

    A dictionary mapping PLAMS :class:`Job<scm.plams.core.basejob.Job>` types
    to appropiate QMFlows :class:`~qmflows.packages.Package` instance.

    .. code:: python

        >>> from typing import Dict, Type

        >>> from qmflows.packages import Package, cp2k, adf, dftb, orca
        >>> from scm import plams

        >>> plams.Job = plams.core.basejob.Job
        >>> plams.ORCAJob = plams.interfaces.thirdparty.orca.ORCAJob

        >>> JOB_MAP: Dict[Type[plams.Job], Package] = {
        ...     plams.Cp2kJob: cp2k,
        ...     plams.ADFJob: adf,
        ...     plams.DFTBJob: dftb,
        ...     plams.ORCAJob: orca
        ... }


import os
from os.path import join
from typing import (
    Type, TypeVar, Union, ClassVar, Any, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Generic, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import warn

from scm import plams
from noodles import has_scheduled_methods, schedule

from ._packages import Package, Result, load_properties
from ._scm import adf, dftb
from ._orca import orca
from ._cp2k import cp2k
from .._settings import Settings
from ..type_hints import _Settings, MolType
from ..warnings_qmflows import Key_Warning

plams.Job = plams.core.basejob.Job
plams.ORCAJob = plams.interfaces.thirdparty.orca.ORCAJob

__all__ = ['PackageWrapper', 'ResultWrapper', 'JOB_MAP']

JT = TypeVar("JT", bound=plams.core.basejob.Job)

JOB_MAP: Dict[Type[plams.Job], Package] = {
    plams.Cp2kJob: cp2k,
    plams.ADFJob: adf,
    plams.DFTBJob: dftb,
    plams.ORCAJob: orca

#: TypeVar for Result objects and its subclasses.
RT = TypeVar('RT', bound=Result)

PT = TypeVar('PT', bound="PackageWrapper")

[docs]class ResultWrapper(Result): """The matching :class:`~qmflows.packages.Result` subclass for :class:`PackageWrapper`.""" # noqa prop_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('PackageWrapper', prefix='properties')
[docs]@has_scheduled_methods class PackageWrapper(Package, Generic[JT]): """A :class:`~qmflows.packages.Package` subclass for processing arbitrary :class:`plams.Job<scm.plams.core.basejob.Job>` types. Will automatically convert the passed Job type into the appropiate Package instance upon calling :meth:`PackageWrapper.__call__`. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from scm.plams import ADFJob, AMSJob >>> from qmflows import PackageWrapper, run >>> from qmflows.packages import ResultWrapper, ADF_Result # Start of with two PackageWrapper instances >>> pkg_adf = PackageWrapper(ADFJob) >>> pkg_ams = PackageWrapper(AMSJob) # End up with two different Result instances >>> result_adf: ADF_Result = run(pkg_adf(...), ...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> result_ams: ResultWrapper = run(pkg_ams(...), ...) # doctest: +SKIP Attributes ---------- job_type : :class:`type[plams.Job] <type>` The to-be executed :class:`plams.Job<scm.plams.core.basejob.Job>` type. Will be automatically translated, when possible, into to the appropiate :class:`~qmflows.packages.Package` instance upon calling :meth:`PackageWrapper.__call__`. If not, default to the more bare-bones implementation within this class and the matching :class:`ResultWrapper` instance. See Also -------- :data:`~qmflows.packages.JOB_MAP` A dictionary mapping PLAMS Job types to appropiate QMFlows Package instances. """ # noqa generic_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('PackageWrapper', prefix='generic2') result_type: ClassVar[Type[ResultWrapper]] = ResultWrapper job_type: Type[JT] if TYPE_CHECKING: def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: ...
[docs] def __init__(self, job_type: Type[JT], name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Initialize this instance. Parameters ---------- job_type : :class:`type[plams.Job] <type>` The to-be executed :class:`plams.Job<scm.plams.core.basejob.Job>` type. Will be automatically translated, when possible, into to the appropiate :class:`~qmflows.packages.Package` instance upon calling :meth:`PackageWrapper.__call__`. If not, default to the more bare-bones implementation within this class and the matching :class:`ResultWrapper` instance. See also :attr:`PackageWrapper.job_type`. """ if name is None: pkg_name = job_type.__class__.__name__.lower().rstrip('job') else: pkg_name = name super().__init__(pkg_name) self.job_type = job_type
def __reduce__(self: PT) -> Tuple[Type[PT], Tuple[Type[JT], str]]: """A helper function for :mod:`pickle`.""" return type(self), (self.job_type, self.pkg_name)
[docs] @schedule(display="Running {self.pkg_name} {job_name}...", store=True, confirm=True) def __call__(self, settings: Settings, mol: MolType, job_name: str = '', **kwargs: Any) -> RT: """If possible, call :meth:`__call__()` of the Package instance appropiate to :attr:`PackageWrapper.job_type`. If not, default to the base :meth:`~qmflows.packages.Package.__call__` method. """ # noqa try: # Call one of the dedicated Package subclasses package_obj = JOB_MAP[self.job_type] return package_obj(settings, mol, job_name, **kwargs) except KeyError: # Continue with this instance's __call__ return super().__call__(settings, mol, job_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_job(self, settings: Settings, mol: plams.Molecule, job_name: str = 'job', work_dir: Union[None, str, os.PathLike] = None, validate_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultWrapper: """Run the job and pass the resulting :class:`plams.Results<scm.plams.core.results.Results>` object to :class:`ResultWrapper`.""" # noqa # Input modifications job_settings = Settings() for s in settings.specific.values(): job_settings.input.update(s) # Create a Plams job job = self.job_type(name=job_name, settings=job_settings, molecule=mol) r = # Extract the working directory work_dir = work_dir if work_dir is not None else job.path # Absolute path to the .dill file dill_path = join(job.path, f'{}.dill') return self.result_type( settings, mol, job_name, dill_path=dill_path, plams_dir=r.job.path, work_dir=work_dir, status=job.status, warnings=None )
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_special_keywords(settings: Settings, key: str, value: Any, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None: """Method not implemented.""" warn(f'No generic keywords implemented for PackageWrapper', category=Key_Warning)