Source code for qmflows.packages._orca

"""Orca input/output bookkeeping."""

import os
from os.path import join
from warnings import warn
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, ClassVar, List, Type, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from scm import plams

from ._packages import Package, Result, load_properties
from ..parsers.orca import parse_molecule
from .._settings import Settings
from ..type_hints import Final, _Settings
from ..utils import get_tmpfile_name
from ..warnings_qmflows import Key_Warning
from ..common import InfoMO

    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    from numpy import float64 as f8

__all__ = ['ORCA_Result', 'ORCA', 'orca']

# ============================= Orca ==========================================

[docs]class ORCA_Result(Result): """Class providing access to PLAMS OrcaJob results.""" prop_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('ORCA', prefix='properties') # Attributes accessed via `__getattr__` charges: "None | list[float]" dipole: "None | list[float]" energy: "None | float" enthalpy: "None | float" free_energy: "None | float" frequencies: "None | NDArray[f8]" hessian: "None | NDArray[f8]" normal_modes: "None | NDArray[f8]" optcycles: "None | int" orbitals: "None | InfoMO" runtime: "None | float" @property def molecule(self) -> Optional[plams.Molecule]: """Retrieve the molecule from the output file.""" if self.status in {'crashed', 'failed'}: return None plams_dir = self.archive["plams_dir"] if plams_dir is None: return None else: file_name = join(plams_dir, f'{self.job_name}.out') return parse_molecule(file_name, self._molecule)
[docs]class ORCA(Package): """A class for preparing the input for running a Orca job using both PLAMS and templates. It also does the manangement of the input/output files resulting from running Orca and returns a Results object that containing the methods and data required to retrieve the output. """ generic_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('ORCA', prefix='generic2') result_type: ClassVar[Type[ORCA_Result]] = ORCA_Result def __init__(self, pkg_name: str = "orca") -> None: super().__init__(pkg_name) @classmethod def run_job(cls, settings: Settings, mol: plams.Molecule, job_name: str = "ORCAjob", work_dir: "None | str | os.PathLike[str]" = None, validate_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> ORCA_Result: """Call the ORCA binary using plams interface.""" orca_settings = Settings() orca_settings.input = settings.specific.orca # Running Orca with Plams job = plams.interfaces.thirdparty.orca.ORCAJob( molecule=mol, settings=orca_settings, name=job_name) result = # Relative job path relative_plams_path = join(*str(result.job.path).split(os.sep)[-2:]) # Absolute path to the .dill file dill_path = join(job.path, f'{}.dill') return cls.result_type(orca_settings, mol,, dill_path, plams_dir=relative_plams_path, status=job.status) @staticmethod def handle_special_keywords(settings: Settings, key: str, value: Any, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None: """Translate generic keywords to their corresponding Orca keywords.""" def inithess(value: Any) -> Settings: """Generate an seperate file containing the initial Hessian matrix. It is used as guess for the computation. """ # Convert Hessian to numpy array value = value if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) else np.array(value) def format_atom(atom: plams.Atom) -> str: symbol, mass, coords = atom.symbol, atom.mass, atom.coords return '{:2s}{:12.4f}{:14.6f}{:14.6f}{:14.6f}\n'.format(symbol, mass, *coords) def format_hessian(dim, hess: Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray]) -> str: """Format numpy array to Orca matrix format.""" ret = '' for i in range((dim - 1) // 6 + 1): n_columns = min(6, dim - 6 * i) ret += ' ' ret += ' '.join('{:10d}'.format(v + 6 * i) for v in range(n_columns)) ret += '\n' for j in range(dim): ret += '{:7d} '.format(j) ret += ' '.join('{:10.6f}'.format(hess[v + 6 * i][j]) for v in range(n_columns)) ret += '\n' return ret # Check Hessian dimension if value.ndim == 1: dim = int(value.size ** 0.5) hess = np.reshape(value, (dim, dim)) else: dim = value.shape[0] hess = value # Header hess_str = '\n$orca_hessian_file\n\n$hessian\n' + str(dim) + '\n' # Actual Hessian hess_str += format_hessian(dim, hess) # Atoms header hess_str += '\n$atoms\n' # Atoms coordinates hess_str += str(len(mol)) + '\n' hess_str += ''.join(format_atom(atom) for atom in mol.atoms) # The end hess_str += '\n\n$end\n' # Store the hessian in the plams_dir hess_path = get_tmpfile_name("ORCA_hessian_") with open(hess_path, "w") as hess_file: hess_file.write(hess_str) settings.specific.orca.geom.InHess = "read" settings.specific.orca.geom.InHessName = f'{hess_path.as_posix()}' return settings def constraint(value: Any) -> None: cons = '' if isinstance(value, Settings): for k, v in value.items(): ks = k.split() atoms = [int(a) - 1 for a in ks[1:]] if ks[0] == 'dist' and len(ks) == 3: cons += '{{ B {:d} {:d} {:.2f} C }}'.format(*atoms, v) elif ks[0] == 'angle' and len(ks) == 4: cons += '{{ A {:d} {:d} {:d} {:.2f} C }}'.format( *atoms, v) elif ks[0] == 'dihed' and len(ks) == 5: cons += '{{ D {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:.2f} C }}'.format( *atoms, v) else: warn( f'Invalid constraint key: {k}', category=Key_Warning) settings.specific.orca.geom.Constraints._end = cons def freeze(value: List[Union[int, str]]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): msg = f'selected_atoms {value} is not a list' raise RuntimeError(msg) cons = '' if isinstance(value[0], int): for a in value: cons += '{{ C {:d} C }}'.format(a - 1) else: for a in range(len(mol)): if mol[a + 1].symbol in value: cons += '{{ C {:d} C }}'.format(a) settings.specific.orca.geom.Constraints._end = cons def selected_atoms(value: List[Union[int, str]]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise RuntimeError(f'selected_atoms {value} is not a list') cons = '' if isinstance(value[0], int): for a in range(len(mol)): if a + 1 not in value: cons += '{{ C {:d} C }}'.format(a) else: for a in range(len(mol)): if mol[a + 1].symbol not in value: cons += '{{ C {:d} C }}'.format(a) settings.specific.orca.geom.Constraints._end = cons # Available translations functions = {'inithess': inithess, 'freeze': freeze, 'selected_atoms': selected_atoms, 'constraint': constraint} if key in functions: functions[key](value) else: warn(f'Generic keyword {key!r} not implemented for package ORCA', category=Key_Warning)
orca: Final[ORCA] = ORCA()