Source code for qmflows.packages._cp2k

"""CP2K input/output handling."""

import os
from os.path import join
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, ClassVar, Type, TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from scm import plams

from ._packages import Package, Result, parse_output_warnings, load_properties
from ..parsers.cp2k import parse_cp2k_warnings
from .._settings import Settings
from ..warnings_qmflows import cp2k_warnings, Key_Warning
from ..type_hints import Final, _Settings, Generic2Special
from ..common import CP2KInfoMO

    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    from numpy import float64 as f8

__all__ = ['CP2K_Result', 'CP2K', 'cp2k']

def _write_cell_angles(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:
    """Write the Angles for the cell.

    The angles of the cell is a 3-dimensional list.
        ABC [angstrom] 5.958 7.596 15.610
        ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 81.250 86.560 89.800
        &END CELL

    if value is not None:
        angles = '{} {} {}'.format(*value)
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA = angles

def _write_cell_parameters(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:
    """Write the cell parameters.

    The cell parameter can be a list of lists containing the ABC parameter.

    For example: ::

        A  16.11886919    0.07814137      -0.697284243
        B  -0.215317662   4.389405268     1.408951791
        C  -0.216126961   1.732808365     9.748961085

    The cell parameter can also be a scalar for ABC like ::

    ABC [angstrom] 12.74 12.74 12.74

    def fun(xs: Iterable[Any]) -> str:
        return '{:} {:} {:}'.format(*xs)

    ar = np.asarray(value, dtype=np.float64)
    if ar.ndim == 0:
        abc = f' [angstrom] {fun(np.repeat(ar, 3))}'
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.ABC = abc
    elif ar.ndim == 1:
        abc = f' [angstrom] {fun(ar)}'
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.ABC = abc
    elif ar.ndim == 2:
        a, b, c = ar
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.A = fun(a)
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.B = fun(b)
        s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.C = fun(c)
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"cell parameter:{value!r}\nformat not recognized")

def _write_periodic(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:
    """Set the keyword for periodic calculations."""
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = value

def _ignore_keyword(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:

def _write_basis(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:
    """Write the basis set for all atoms in ``mol``.

    .. code-block::

            &KIND  C
            &KIND  H
    subsys = s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys
    symbol_set = {at.symbol for at in mol}
    for symbol in symbol_set:
        subsys[f'kind {symbol}'].basis_set = value

def _write_potential(s: Settings, key: str, value: list, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None:
    """Write the pseudopotential set for all atoms in ``mol``.

    .. code-block::

            &KIND  C
            POTENTIAL  GTH-PBE
            &KIND  H
            POTENTIAL  GTH-PBE
    subsys = s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys
    symbol_set = {at.symbol for at in mol}
    for symbol in symbol_set:
        subsys[f'kind {symbol}'].potential = value

[docs]class CP2K_Result(Result): """Class providing access to CP2K result.""" prop_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('CP2K', prefix='properties') # Attributes accessed via `__getattr__` energy: "None | float" frequencies: "None | NDArray[f8]" geometry: "None | plams.Molecule" enthalpy: "None | float" free_energy: "None | float" orbitals: "None | CP2KInfoMO | tuple[CP2KInfoMO, CP2KInfoMO]" forces: "None | NDArray[f8]" coordinates: "None | NDArray[f8]" temperature: "None | NDArray[f8]" volume: "None | NDArray[f8]" lattice: "None | NDArray[f8]" pressure: "None | NDArray[f8]" @property def molecule(self) -> "None | plams.Molecule": """Return the current geometry. If the job is an optimization, try to read the ` *` file. Otherwise return the input molecule. """ try: return self.get_property('geometry') except FileNotFoundError: return self._molecule
[docs]class CP2K(Package): """A Package subclass for running `CP2K Jobs <>`_. It uses plams together with the templates to generate the stucture input and also uses Plams to invoke the binary CP2K code. This class is not intended to be called directly by the user, instead the :data:`cp2k` function should be called. """ generic_mapping: ClassVar[_Settings] = load_properties('CP2K', prefix='generic2') result_type: ClassVar[Type[CP2K_Result]] = CP2K_Result def __init__(self, pkg_name: str = "cp2k") -> None: super().__init__(pkg_name) @classmethod def run_job(cls, settings: Settings, mol: plams.Molecule, job_name: str = 'cp2k_job', work_dir: "None | str | os.PathLike[str]" = None, validate_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> CP2K_Result: """Call the Cp2K binary using plams interface. :param settings: Job Settings. :type settings: :class:`~qmflows.Settings` :param mol: molecular Geometry :type mol: plams Molecule :param hdf5_file: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the numerical results. :type hdf5_file: String :param input_file_name: Optional name for the input. :type input_file_name: String :param out_file_name: Optional name for the output. :type out_file_name: String :param store_in_hdf5: wether to store the output arrays in HDF5 format. :type store_in_hdf5: Bool """ # Yet another work directory # Input modifications cp2k_settings = Settings() cp2k_settings.input = settings.specific.cp2k cp2k_settings.executable = settings.get("executable", "cp2k.ssmp") # Create a Plams job job = plams.interfaces.thirdparty.cp2k.Cp2kJob( name=job_name, settings=cp2k_settings, molecule=mol) r = work_dir = work_dir if work_dir is not None else job.path if validate_output: warnings = parse_output_warnings( job_name, r.job.path, parse_cp2k_warnings, cp2k_warnings ) else: warnings = None # Absolute path to the .dill file dill_path = join(job.path, f'{}.dill') result = cls.result_type(cp2k_settings, mol, job_name, dill_path=dill_path, plams_dir=r.job.path, work_dir=work_dir, status=job.status, warnings=warnings) return result #: A :class:`dict` mapping special keywords to the appropiate function. SPECIAL_FUNCS: ClassVar[Dict[str, Generic2Special]] = { 'cell_parameters': _write_cell_parameters, 'cell_angles': _write_cell_angles, 'periodic': _write_periodic, 'executable': _ignore_keyword, 'basis': _write_basis, 'potential': _write_potential, } @classmethod def handle_special_keywords(cls, settings: Settings, key: str, value: Any, mol: plams.Molecule) -> None: """Create the settings input for complex cp2k keys. :param settings: Job Settings. :type settings: :class:`~qmflows.Settings` :param key: Special key declared in ``settings``. :param value: Value store in ``settings``. :param mol: molecular Geometry :type mol: plams Molecule """ # Function that handles the special keyword f = cls.SPECIAL_FUNCS.get(key) if f is not None: f(settings, key, value, mol) else: warn(f'Generic keyword {key!r} not implemented for package CP2K', category=Key_Warning)
cp2k: Final[CP2K] = CP2K()